With the year coming to the end, it's a perfect time to reflect on your year and set goals for 2023. If practicing more Body Love makes it to your list, here's 5 things that can help you achieve that.
1. Your words matter.
The words you use when you talk about bodies matter. Express gratitude for yourself when you feel it. Consciously try and replace critical and comparative thoughts with acceptance and appreciation. Retrain yourself to think kinder thoughts by focusing on the bits that you love about you.
2. Spend quality time with yourself.
Focus on how your body feels rather than how it looks. Your body is just that - yours. Your body is your own. You have the right to be comfortable in your own skin. Spend time with your body. Relearn how to feel, see and touch it. Be gentle and kind.
3. Give yourself permission to love your body.
Its so easy to step into the habit of resisting Body Love. It’s time to leave it behind and give yourself permission to step out of your comfort zone and love YOU.
4. Fall in love with your body, not someone else’s.
Stop comparing your Body and Body Love Journey to someone else’s. Comparing is the thief of happiness. A HUGE space for comparison is Social Media, maybe your goal for 2023 might be to relearn healthier ways to scroll. If you are serious about developing better Body Love in 2023, you must focus on you and you only. Focus on your personal strengths, uniqueness and strengths.
5. Commit to unconditional love.
Loving your body shouldn’t be conditional. If you catch yourself saying things I will love my body when…” or I will love my body if…”, you are not giving yourself unconditional love. Practising Body Love comes with acceptance and embracing the real and raw you.