The Love Story series are pieces written by real women, posted with some of their Boudoir photos. They are sharing with you their Body Love Journey and their experience with Leaf & Lace.

The following has been written by Bianca Kelly.

"I've completely changed how I feel about myself now I'm a mother. Something has clicked, and I've evolved. I can't understand why I wasn't kind to the younger me, and now, I am filled with overwhelming pride. I am fucking amazing, and so is every woman on this planet. I feel this innate need to show my daughter this feeling and help her foster this throughout womanhood. I feel by celebrating me as a woman, I am celebrating every woman to walk this planet. We are many, but united, one. We're lionesses capable of the most incredible things. The real "King" of Savannah. 

I wanted this feeling eternalized by Shelby and I loved the pride in the eyes of the women she had already captured. I'm so grateful Shelby encapsulated this feeling of mine. Nudity felt surprisingly natural amongst ancient rainforests, and it was so, so much fun. I never want to forget this experience, or how much stronger, and well, badass it's made me feel."

Ready to book your own Boudoir Session - contact me today! Lets start the next step of your Self Love Journey